Friday, June 11, 2010

Anywhere with Jesus

I'm currently reading a book by Noel Piper called, "Faithful Women and their Extraordinary God." It recounts the lives of 5 women from throughout the past few centuries. I have been overwhelmed by God's faithfulness and sovereignty over their journeys of serving him around the world. One story that struck me in particular was the story of Lilias Trotter who moved from her home in England to minister to the Muslims of Algeria. She served with 3 other women who all remained single and fought hard in the trenches of North Africa where Islam ruled the lives of the people there. Ms Trotter related the old song "Anywhere with Jesus" to how are lives are to be with Christ.

This summer, my "anywhere" is Nolensville, TN, a city about 10 miles south of Nashville. I'm serving as a summer intern at Life Community Church which pretty much means I am helping out at the church office, making Wal-Mart runs, and hanging out with the youth. This blog will be my place to manifest what the Lord is teaching me through hands-on ministry as well as to update those of you who think Jay Watson is as cool as I do about everything awesome that;s going on here in Nolens-vegas.

grace and peace

1 comment:

  1. Oh sister... wait til you read the last two. The China one knocks my socks off. I love you a lot.


About Me

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Just a kid from Alabama privileged to serve the kingdom of God in France for the next few years.
