Sunday, June 27, 2010

Light Bright.

Hello all.

This week has been absolute madness! Today was our last sunday at the elementary school so we had to overhaul the building and pack up everything after church. I mean, we cleared out this building in around 3 hours thanks to the help of some awesome servants who cleaned out, loaded/unloaded trucks, drove to the storage units and packed/unpacked there and helped out in every little way as they could. I think if anything that this process has taught me is the sustainability of God's church. I mean, how could we even confine the Bride of Christ to a building, anyways? Though it was an exhausting process, we will move into the Tennessee Baptist Convention building sometime this week which will be our temporary location until we (hopefully) move into a permanent location in the fall. (But that's just our plan, right?)

Yesterday was busy and productive as well! Patrick and Landon taught me how to change the oil on Petri (my car) and I learned about oil filters and got to lay under the car and act like I was hardcore and mechanical while Patrick blasted 80's rock. I got to visit with T.Bac and E.Brait as they were driving through Nashville on their way to Chi-town and also tie dye shirts with Rachel, Bailey, Lydia and Landon in preparation for SUMMER CAMP.

This week me and Landon also took some of the youth to Centennial Park in downtown Nashville and watch the Blindside on a screen out in the middle of the park. It made me think of Free Friday Flicks at Homewood Park and made me a little sentimental- haha.

ALSO- I got to hang out with this kid on Thursday for lunch and catching up and some great fellowship. I'm a big fan of Tory Watkins.

AND my grandparents visited on Thursday evening and I got to spend some sweet time with them. PopPop kept talking about how big the yards are here and wondered how they cut them. (Most of the places around here are farms) Which made my laugh. I have been so blessed to have grown up with THE coolest grandparents around. They're awesome and I loved getting to introduce them to the Wrights and show them around Nolensville.

Tomorrow we leave for youth camp at M-fuge in Williamsburg, KY. I'm super pumped because, well, it's youth camp. It's like Christmas, We Love Homewood Day and Halloween all in one = LOVE. Also, I'm a chap this year so that's going to be interesting and different. Also, I'm our camp nurse.... HAAA! Needless to say, I'm excited to see how the Lord will move through our youth's hearts this summer as we learn how to SERVE instead of being served.

This is an image that I took from my Sunday School lesson this morning. I got to teach 1st-3rd grade sunday school which was challenging and interesting and very fun. We were in Matthew 5 and talked about how we are to be a reflection of Jesus.

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

We talked about examples of lights. (I feel it's appropriate to mention that when I asked for examples of things that give off light, one of the boys stand up and proudly stated "A HOBO THAT IS RUNNING DOWN THE STREET ON FIRE!") The point that hit me really hard about this lesson is the responsibility that we have in all of it. We are meant to be reflections of Christ. I am supposed to mirror His ways. wow. How wonderful is it that there is grace to cover all of my inadequacies and flickerings in my attempt to be like Him.

Anyways, I am off to pack for camp. Please keep our group in your prayers this week. Pray that our student's hearts are opened to the Word. Pray for smooth traveling and logistics behind all of it. And pray for our 5 leaders that God would guide our words and actions as we seek to counsel the students.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! And I love that kid's comment!! haha! That made me laugh out loud! Love you, definitely praying for you. I love what you wrote about His infinite grace... so, so true!!!
    Love you, sweet sister!


About Me

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Just a kid from Alabama privileged to serve the kingdom of God in France for the next few years.
