Sunday, April 7, 2013


I'm so grateful to live in a city that is (relatively) easy to visit and even more grateful for the friends who have come through, in and out of my apartment, visiting and blessing me with encouragement and laughter.

I'm thankful for Heather, who came through to visit with her husband Matt. Heather and I lived together when we studied abroad in Morocco in the Spring of 2011. 

I'm thankful for America. and friends that have a sense of humor.

I'm thankful for Trey, Cory and Mitch and the fact that they visited me and wanted to go to Disneyland.

I'm thankful for snail-mail hugs from people I love.

I'm thankful for these guys putting on their walking shoes and hitting up the city with me.

I'm thankful for RTR in the Louvre Gardens.

I'm thankful for friends who make me laugh so hard I cry and for friends who make it a priority to invest in the ministries of their friends overseas. I. Am. Blessed. 

I'm thankful for my mom and the fact that in England they say "Mum." And also for this hat which was me mum's.

I'm thankful for this guy, short visits to Cambridge and friends welcoming me with open arms on the other side of the Channel.

I'm thankful for blizzards in Northern France and an extra day with loved ones in England.

I'm thankful for Trent and Sarah meeting me for quick hugs and laughs on my way out of England.

I'm thankful for my dearest and oldest friend, Rachael and the week she spent here serving alongside me and my team. This girl continues to push me closer to the cross and I am beyond blessed by how she loves Jesus and how she loves her friends. 

I'm thankful for Jon's big sister Annie and her husband John for taking a trip to bless Jon and myself. We laughed so much while they were here.

I'm thankful for my 2nd concert seeing Mumford&Sons and twinkle lights.

I'm thankful for Uncle Seth, coming to visit for a few days and supporting our local neighborhood McDonalds. 

I'm thankful for Jacob coming to see Brittany and for all the times he makes me laugh to the point of tears. And also Dr. Pepper and Chipotle. #vivelaburrito

I'm thankful that it is possible to eat chocolate with your cereal and for a sweet boy buying me a box of it along with 1/2 dozens eggs for my favorite dessert. Swoon.

I'm thankful for date nights with this guy, chicken sandwiches and glass bottle cokes.

I'm thankful for Bridget visiting from Africa and meeting her at job conference over 1 year ago!

I'm thankful for Easter am Mass at Notre Dame de Paris and also for this guy wearing seer-sucker despite it being 35 degrees F outside. 

I'm thankful to now have 23 years of life and jumping pictures at Versailles and slippery tile that I could ice-skate on. 

I'm thankful for free trips to Disney with B and her screaming "WHAT WOULD MY AFRICAN FRIENDS THINK ABOUT THIS??!" the entire time we rode Space Mountain. 


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About Me

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Just a kid from Alabama privileged to serve the kingdom of God in France for the next few years.
