Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Airports, etc

I'm sitting in the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport as a light hangs down from the ceiling in concourse B and flickers in horror-movie type fashion. This is where things get real.

I feel like there is no way that I can head off without first expressing gratitude for the sea of support that has sent me off. I have been floored by the outpouring of love that my sweet friends have shown me. Whether it's been through phone calls/ skype dates while I pack, letters, or prayer, each of you has had a huge impact on me as I prepare for this trip. You have truly been the hands and feet of Christ and I can scarcely believe that I would go into this with half as much confidence if it wasn't for your support.

I can only pray that God will provide me with a community of people to pour into in Morocco to pass along how you have all touched me. Know that the burden that I feel to share with those in my school group, housing and people I meet along the way has been lightened by the joy it is to have such love filling me up from home and the love and grace from Christ that sustains us all.

Birmingham, Miami, Madrid, Sevilla. Let's go.


1 comment:

  1. You are quite witty. And very funny. And make me laugh out loud! And you're super sweet. And I know you meant me too when you said "friends" cause of course, I'm one of your BESTEST friends. Also, I just read your entry to mom and she cried. :)

    I LOVE YOU. Praying for you, sister.


About Me

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Just a kid from Alabama privileged to serve the kingdom of God in France for the next few years.
